DokuWiki Prosemirror Plugin

A modern approach on DokuWiki WYSIWYG

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WYSIWYG editor


First steps

You always wanted to use a WYSIWYG editor in Dokuwiki. But there wasn't a really good one. One which did not fuck up your original text. This is where Prodemirror plugin comes in.

Though in Beta stage it works fine and will help a lot of users to create better looking pages.

Second Steps

Here is another header

Some small things that could be better

  1. Using the keyboard (Where is Ctrl-B or….)
  2. The dialogs (for inserting an image f.i.) are not very clear and need a make over.
  3. Tab should move you to the next cell in a table but it does not.
Header 1 Header 2
Value 1 Value 2

lots of text

And even more text

and then we got tired of all the text.

header 3

More text after this - - - - / / / / making it hard to hard return line after line

lots  of stuff  trying  to  take  up  space. 

and 4

keep going






and then there were lots

playground/playground.1683053050.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/05/02 20:44 by

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